Thursday, April 27, 2006

Tomater o paprika/Tomatoes and peppers

Har ar eventuellt nagra avskedsbilder pa mina tomat och paprika plantor som jag fott upp fran fron. De har statt pa fonsterbradorna inomhus och vaxt sig ganska stora och fina. Men imorse bestamde jag mig for att stalla ut dem. Tydligen ska man vanja dem lite forsiktigt vid kylan och definitivt ta in dem nagonstans svalt pa natten, men jag orkar inte bara dem till skjulet och inomhus ar det for varmt. Just nu ar det 10 grader ute och det ar nastan midnatt sa jag tror inte det blir nan frost... Hall tummarna!
Here's possibly some goodbye photos of my tomato and pepper plants that I've grown from seed. They've been standing on the windowsills indoors until this morning when I decided it was time for them to face the real world. I know this "hardening off" business is meant to be done carefully and that I should bring them somewhere indoors during the night but I really can't be bothered. At the moment it's around 10 degreees outside and it's almost midnight so there shouldn't be any frost tonight....Fingers crossed!

Det ar korsbarstomater jag har satt och nagon slags paprika.
It's cherry tomatoes and some kind of pepper I'm growing. Posted by Picasa

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