Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Clay soil/Ler jord

The reason for the 15 tons of topsoil being spread over our garden (with great help from kind father-in-law) is that we've got pure clay instead of something resembling normal soil. I'm pretty sure I could dig it up and sell it to some art college close by for them to use in pottery, at least that's what it feels like when I'm trying to dig it. So this means that the lawn has been waterlogged constantly since September last year. The good news are that the topsoil seems to be doing the trick - the water sinks away instead of turning the whole place to a bog garden. My point with all this is to say that I found some plant labels from plants I bought last year when we'd just moved in. On all three of them it very clearly states that those plants prefer well drained soil. Do I need to say none of them survived? Won't be making that mistake again!
Anledningen till att vi har lagt 15 ton topp jord over grasmattan ar att hela tradgarden ar ren lerjord. Sa detta innebar att hela tradgarden har varit som ett trask sedan september och forstas som betong under sommaren nar det var torrt. Tack och lov verkar det som om topp jorden fungerar som det ar tankt och nu sjunker vattnet undan efter regn. Nar vi just hade flyttat in forra aret sa var jag saklart over-entusiastisk och over-optimistisk i mitt inhandlande av plantor. Jag hittade tre plant instruktioner fran inkop under denna period och alla tre var valdigt tydliga med att dessa plantor behovde val dranerad jord for att trivas. Eller for att overleva visade det sig. Ska inte gora samma misstag i ar!

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