Rich went and bought paving slabs which will be sunk into the grass so we can walk to the shed without getting clay all over during the winter.
Here's the latest harvest of chillies and peppers. The pepper plants are finished now and rests comfortably in the compost bin but one of the chillie plants is still going and the chillies are still riping!
Rich holding on for dear life....The weather got gradually worse and the wind strenght was beyond belief!
Vadret blev samre och samre och det blaste enormt mycket.Visibiliteten borjar ga ner..... Lika bra det eftersom jag ar hojdradd.
The visibility starts to drop. Just as well really as I'm afraid of heights.
Skulle tro att man vid bra vader skulle haft en bra utsikt har.
I assume that when the weather is good you've got a pretty good view from this point.
Vi klarade det! Har ar Richard pa toppen! Fantastisk dag trots storm vindar.
We made it! Here's Rich on the top. Amazing day despite gale force winds.
Har ar samma vagg som ovan fast nu med farg och vinstall.
This is the same wall as above but this time the painting is done and the winerack in place.
Nya fonsterbradan pa plats. Rich klattrade upp for att lagga tyngd pa den.
New windowsill in place. Rich climbed up to put some pressure on it.
Fonsterbradan efter! Den ar bredare nu ocksa! Toppen. Sen kan ni ju se att masterfotografen har varit i farten.... taskig skarpa och egen reflektion i fonstret....
Windowsill after! It's wider now which is great! As you can see the master photographer have been in action again....bad focus and own reflection in the window....
Tada!! Bastukok med katt! Fattar inte varfor hon ar sa trott, det borde vara Rich och jag som lag ner pa golve och tog igen oss efter att ha jobbat med detta hela helgen. Men bra blir det. Panelen ska malas vit.
Kitchensauna with tired cat! Don't know what her reasons were to be so tired, she didn't exactly contribute with any work. It should have been Rich and me lying down for a rest after working with the kitchen all weekend. We'll paint the panelling white eventually. I'm very happy with the result.
Och antligen borjar paprikorna bli roda! Chillin ar fortfarande gron.
The peppers are finally starting to go red! But the chilli is still green.