Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Ar det normalt for en pelargonia att blomma sa har mycket i slutet av november? Och kolla pa kaprifolen bakom, den ar fortfarande jatte gron! Jag trodde den skulle tappa sina blad pa hosten?
Is it normal for a pelargonium (not sure if that's the english word for it?) to flower it socks off in the end of November? And look at the honeysuckle behind it. Still loads of green leaves. I thought they were deciduous?


Woodland Folk said...

I have never known it before, Nina - I have 2 petunias - which are notoriously tender - still flowering in the front pots despite a few frosts. And even the geraniums and fuchsias I have moved into the greenhouse to have their winter's rest refuse to stop flowering!

A gardener's lot is a hard one!



Nina said...

It's getting worse too! The lavender has started to flower again! I will put in a picture soon. So weird.