Thursday, December 16, 2010

Harry and the cats/Harry och katterna

Here's Harry with his somewhat furrier sisters Amy and Leela. But if he's anything like his Uncle Ulf he'll be just as furry in about 16-17 years!
Här är Harry med sina något hårigare systrar Amy och Leela. Men om han tar efter Morbror Ulf så kommer han vara minst lika hårig som katterna om en sisådär 16, 17 år!
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Woodland Folk said...

These photos are so funny!



Anonymous said...

Hey!!! I'm not furry! Well, only at full moon, but then again who isn't?

Woodland Folk said...


Full moon on 21st isn't it with a complete lunar eclipse (though only to be seen south of the equator)?

Ulf will be out in force!!