Sunday, November 12, 2006

Grass identified!/Identifierat gras!

Nar vi flyttade in sa stod det har graset/vassen i tradgarden. Jag har undrat vad det ar for nagot jatte lange. Men nu vet jag minsann! I slutet av sommaren sa borjade helt plotsligt de har fjadrarna skjuta upp. Sen sa fick jag lana en bok av svarmor med plantor och helt plotsligt sag jag varat gras dar! Det heter Miscanthus sinesis "Silver feather".
When we moved into the house this grass was already in the garden. I've been wondering ever since what it is called. In the end of the summer the plumes started to appear. I was reading a plant book that I've borrowed from Christine and all of a sudden I saw it there! It's called Miscanthus sinensis "Silver Feather". Har ar fjadrarna som loste mysteriet.
Here are the feathers that helped solve the mystery.


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness the mystery is solved at last. And the RHS A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants agrees! Miscanthus is a native of Japan, Taiwan and China, growing on hillsides and in sunny places on the mountains. The long hot summer this year has helped it flower.



Nina said...

Oh, that explains it, because the feathers were definetely not there last summer. It look so nice with the plumes!

Love Nina