Saturday, September 15, 2007


Detta ar en av mina favoriter i tradgarden. Rudbeckian blommar non-stop fran Augusti till forsta frosten och ar sa fina!!
This is one of my favourites in the garden. The Rudbeckia flowers non-stop from the beginning of August until the first frost.
Det hande nat konstigt med den detta aret. Bladen var helt ihop krullade i varas och sen nar blommorna kom sa sag manga ut som nedan, helt taniga. Kunde inte se nat odjur pa bladen, men nat maste ha varit dar och forstort.
Something weird happened with the leaves this spring. They were all rolled up and then when it eventually started to flower many of the flowers looked like this, all small and strange. I never saw any pest on it but something must have been hiding there.

1 comment:

Woodland Folk said...

They look beautiful Nina and we are still researching the Rudbeckia Rodent!

