Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's been a long blog break and A lot of things have happened but I have to start somewhere... so I'll start with today. We went to Liseberg with the Mainardis today and had a great time!
Det har varit en lång blogg paus men jag måste börja nånstans så jag börjar med idag. Vi åkte till Liseberg med Mainardis familjen och hade en fantastisk dag!

Harrison looking cheeky on the roundabout. He was loving it!
En finurlig Harrison på karusellen.

A happy Jesper with Richard and Ellie in the background. (yes, they're there, you just have to look hard)
En glad Jesper med Richard och Ellie i bakgrunden om ni tittar noga.


Erzanmine said...

It all sounds as if it was great fun - rolelrcoaster et al! Love Granny xx

Erzanmine said...

Wish I could spell ...