Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween promenad/walk

Vi gick på en Halloween poängpromenad i fredags med Jesper, Leena och Jessica.
We went on a Halloween question walk on Friday with Jesper, Leena and Jessica.

Spindel tunneln var lite obehaglig! Rich hade nog fått panik därinne med sin spindelfobi.
The spider tunnel was a bit scary. Rich would probably have panicked in there with his spider phobia.

The weather is so mild. Hard to believe it's the end of October when the kids can run around without coats.
Vädret är så milt! Svårt att tro att det är slutet av oktober när ungarna kan springa omkring utan jacka.Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Richard would have nightmares for ever more if he went into that web I am sure! Love Chris xx

PS How about you - sure it wasn't made by those garden spiders of yours?