Sunday, June 19, 2011

Allotment update/Koloni uppdatering

Det växer så det knakar på kolonin! Ärtorna börjar bli klara och jag ska ta upp lite potatisar idag. Squashen har börjat blomma också.
Everything is growing really well at the allotment! The peas have started to produce and I'm going to get some potatoes up today. The courgettes have started flowering too.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Erzanmine said...

When I saw this plot with the old carpet and the mare's tails, I felt so sad for you with all the work that needed to be done.
What you have done is AMAZING!

Chris xx

Nina said...

Thank you!! We're chuffed with the result this year. We had dinner tonight with potatoes, beetoroots, carrots, peas and sausages and the sausage was the only thing we had bought, the rest was from the allotment! And Ellie is eating peas now! She said she doesn't like the peas at nursery but she like ours. xx