Thursday, April 28, 2011

Royal wedding garden party

Idag har Ellies dagis ett garden party för det kungliga bröllopet som går av stapeln imorgon. Alla barnen skulle ha på sig nåt rött, vitt eller blått. Vi bakade massa cupcakes igår som Harry o jag tar med oss när vi går till kalaset i em.

Ellie's nursey is having a Royal wedding garden party today. All the kids will be wearing something red, white or blue. Families are invited so Harry and me will be going there this pm.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Erzanmine said...

What a lovely idea - hope you all enjoyed and enjoy today as well! We had a Rockbourne village event for the Queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977 when I dressed Richard's red and blue pram with red white and blue ribbons and we had a grand tea in a tent on the cricket field!

