Sunday, February 22, 2009

Vår!/ Spring!

Det var fantastiskt väder här i lördags! Vi var ute i trädgården i några timmar och njöt av solen.
The weather was amazing here on Saturday! We were in the garden for a couple of hours, enjoying the sun.
Ellie lekte i sandlådan.
Ellie played in the sandpit.
Och Leela gjorde sig hemmastad på Richards rygg! Hon hoppade upp där självmant och la sig sedan ner och tyckte tydligen att Rich skulle stanna i den positionen ett bra tag.
And Leela made herself at home on the back of Rich! She jumped up there on her own accord and went on to lie down, clearly thinking that Rich should stay in that position for some time.
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1 comment:

Woodland Folk said...

Oh joy - the snow and ice has gone and spring is about to appear!