Friday, August 15, 2008

Spider invasion/Spindel invasion

Vi har blivit invaderade av spindlar! Det är sjukt mycket spindlar i hela trädgården OCH inomhus. Det värsta är att spindlarna inomhus är helt ENORMA! De måste vara nån slags mutationer, jag har aldrigt sett nåt liknande. Vidrigt.
We've been invaded by spiders! They are everywhere in the garden AND in the house. The worst thing is that the spiders in the house are ENORMOUS! They must be an experiment that has gone wrong or some kind of mutants, I've never seen anything like it. Awful.
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Woodland Folk said...

Shivering wrecks, we have further researched your spider for you and it's Linyphia triangularis - a large family apparently of which the tiny money spider is one. But your friend is usually 2cm across!! It's not a crab spider as Mike originally thought because they don't build webs. Don't expect this will make you feel any better but at least you can call it (all of them) Lyn

Love C and M

Woodland Folk said...

Now most of your spiders have been re-located to the golf club (at least a mile away) I don't think they'll be back. There was such a nice tree for them to climb and they know where they're not welcome! You can also wave to them as you go by.


The Spider Catcher