Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tre månader/Three months

Den här lilla filuren fyllde tre månader i lördags. Hipp, hipp, hurra för Elliott!
This little thingy was three months old last Saturday. Hurrah for Elliott!
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Woodland Folk said...
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Woodland Folk said...

Hi Nina and Dick , Surely this Little Honey Monster does'nt need a Warning tag ........Yet !!

Anonymous said...
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Woodland Folk said...

WARNING - think kigagore may be a virus carrier. Don't click Look here!!

Ellie looks adorable.



Nina said...

Hello Christine,

Thanks for the warning, probably would have clicked on it. I have removed it now, just to be on the safe side.

Love Nina

Woodland Folk said...

Have a good holiday girlies and our love to all the Swedish family.

Ulf - 40?? - never!!

Granny and Grandad


mysiga heestrand said...

Hon är verkligen bedårande. Vi var super ledsna för att vi inte kunde komma. Hälsa din familj och hoppas att hemresan går/gick bra. Massa kramar från familjen Kustnära. Tack för fin kommentar på vår blogg.