Sunday, September 23, 2007

Korsika III/Corsica III

Sista delen av semestern bodde vi sa har fint! Detta ar var ute terass dar frukosten serverades! Vi stannade tva natter har i St Florens.

Last part of our holiday we stayed at this great place with our own terrace overlooking the sea. This is where the breakfast was served! Lovely. We stayed the last two nights here in St Florens.
Vi hyrde kajaker och paddlade langs med kusten. Vadret var aterigen perfekt; soligt, lagom varmt och inte for blasigt. Plus fantastiskt, klart, varmt vatten.

We rented kayaks and paddled along the coast. The weather was yet again perfect with sun and not too much wind. The water was amazing, very blue, clear and warm.

Sa smaningom hittade vi en jattefin sandstrand som till Rich och Chris stora fortjusning visade sig vara delvis en nudist strand. Fast vi beholl vara badklader pa.

Eventually we found a beautiful beach which turned out to be partly a nudist beach to Richard's and Chris' amazement and joy. But we kept our swimming costumes on.

Korsika II/Corsica II

Efter tva dagar i Corte sa akte vi ut mot kusten till Piana. I Piana finns fantastiska klipp formationer ovanfor havet, dar man kan vandra med fantastisk utsikt over hav och land. Har ar jag och Chris efter en ordentlig klattring upp till en av utsikts punkterna.
After two days in Corte we moved towards the coast and stayed in a little village called Piana. By Piana there's fantastic cliff formations and mountains to walk in with great views over the sea and into land. Here's me and Chris after a climb to one of the viewpoints. Rich, Rosser, Chris och en fantastisk utsikt.
Rich, Rosser, Chris and a fantastic view.

Har ar jag bland massa sma sten hogar som ser ut som sma troll. Tyckte jag iallafall.

Here's me amongst lots of little piles of stones which I thought looked like little trolls, but I got the feeling that nobody agreed with me on that.

Korsika I /Corsica I

Rich, Chris och Rosser vid den lilla glacier ravinen precis nedanfor vart hotel forsta dagen pa Korsika.
Rich, Chris and Rosser by the little glacier river just below our hotel the first day on Corsica.

Var forsta vandring var upp till en glaciar sjo pa 1400m ovan havet. Perfekt vader: soligt men inte for varmt med lite blast.

Our first hike was to a glacier lake at 1400m above the sea. The weather was perfect, sunny, not too hot and with a little breeze.

Chris, Rosser and Rich halfway there!

Chris, Rosser and Rich halvvags!

Det blev lite kampigt for mig med magen emellanat, men for det mesta gick det bra. Fast jag blev valdigt anfadd och flasade som en lungsjuk flodhast.

It got a bit heavy for me on some parts of the hike, but mainly i managed without problems. Although I got very breathless and sounded like a lung diseased hippo.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Detta ar en av mina favoriter i tradgarden. Rudbeckian blommar non-stop fran Augusti till forsta frosten och ar sa fina!!
This is one of my favourites in the garden. The Rudbeckia flowers non-stop from the beginning of August until the first frost.
Det hande nat konstigt med den detta aret. Bladen var helt ihop krullade i varas och sen nar blommorna kom sa sag manga ut som nedan, helt taniga. Kunde inte se nat odjur pa bladen, men nat maste ha varit dar och forstort.
Something weird happened with the leaves this spring. They were all rolled up and then when it eventually started to flower many of the flowers looked like this, all small and strange. I never saw any pest on it but something must have been hiding there.


Den har vackra synen motte mig imorse nar jag kollade ut genom fonstret. Vi kommer inte vara hemma pa min fodelsedag sa Rich tyckte vi skulle fira lite idag. Min pappa kommer bli stolt over Rich nar han ser detta!
This beautiful sight met my eyes this morning when I looked out the window. We'll be in Corsica for my birthday so Rich thought we should celebrate a little bit today. My dad will be very proud of him when he sees he got the Swedish flag out! Har ar alla korgar och krukor jag planterat idag som ska blomma i host. Inte det smartaste att plantera detta dagen innan vi aker bort en vecka, men jag ska stalla dem i skuggan och halla tummarna.
Here are all the pos and baskets I've planted today with stuff that should flower during the autumn. Not the most intelligent thing I've done, considering we'll be away for a week so they won't get watered. But I'll put them in the shade and keep my fingers crossed.

Last belly pics/Sista mag bilderna

Nu blir det inte fler mag bilder utlaggda har, storre an sa har har jag inte lust att visa upp mig! Detta ar fran i mitten av vecka 31. Sa nu ar det tva manader kvar!
These are the last belly pics on the blog. I'm getting too big to want ot show the world! These pics are from the middle of week 31. Two months to D-Day!

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Pa allman begaran kommer har lite bilder pa min stiliga aldsta bror. Har ar Ronny pa en av broarna over the Thames.
On popular request; some pictures of my eldest lovley brother Ronny. Here he is on one of the bridges over the Thames. Ronny and Ellen in Hyde Park, sheltering from the rain.
Ronny and Ellen i Hyde Park, under ett trad som skydd for regnet.