Saturday, July 28, 2007

Framsidan/Front drive

Har ar lite bilder fran framsidan som nu ar omgjord och fardig!
Pa en av bilderna kan du se vilken fin betong som fanns innan vi gjorde om. Vi gravde upp hacken och Rich byggde staket istallet, dar det ar meningen att kaprifol ska klattra over. I circeln ska vi plantera ett litet trad, kanske en liten hang pil.
Here's some pics from the front drive which is now done! One of the pictures shows the lovely concrete that was there before the remake. We also dug up the hedge and Rich built a fence where eventually honeysuckle will climb over. In the circle we're planning to plant a small tree, possible a little willow.

1 comment:

Woodland Folk said...

Wow! How smart is that - such a difference!