Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Buds and flowers/Knoppar och blommor

Allium knopp! Jag planterade dessa lokarna i hostas.
Allium bud! I planted these bulbs last autumn.Sota sma blommor i krukan med lagerblad som jag fick av Christine forra aret. Kommer inte ihag vad de heter.
Sweet little flowers in the pot with bayleaf that I got from Christine last year. Can't rememer what they are called though.

Clematis knopp!

Clematis bud!

Forgatmigej som jag har transplanterat fran Chris och Mikes tradgard. Denna sorten forgatmigej ser annorlunda ut an dem som jag ar van vid fran Sverige.

Forgetmenots that comes from Chris' and Mike's garden i Alderholt. They seem to have settled in happily.

1 comment:

Woodland Folk said...

Nina - nice to see the update!
The little flowers are violets - viola riviniana - and will pop up in all sorts of places in your garden now. They are a much loved English spring flower. These are scentless dog violets but if you can get hold of viola odorata the smell is exquisite. Get some for me too!!