Monday, April 15, 2013

Swing it!

Between Harrison throwing up we went for a walk/bikeride on Sunday. The destination was Ellie's future school playground where we found the swing.
Mellan Harrisons kräkningar tog vi en promenad/cykeltur i söndags. Vi gick till Ellie's framtida skolgård där vi hittade gungan.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Wednesday, April 03, 2013


Finally spring!! Today after nursery we've been sitting in the sun for a fruit snack and then lots of bouncing on the trampoline.

Idag efter förskolan har vi suttit i solen och ätit äpple och sen blev det massa studsande på trampolinen.

Saturday, January 05, 2013


Ellie's baking applecrumble all on her own!
Ellie bakar äppelpaj alldeles själv!

Check out the professional cutting!
Kolla in den proffsiga hackningen!

To be continued!
Fortsättning följer!


The blog has been very inactive for a while now, for some reason I've been unable to blog from my iphone but it seems to be working again. We had a lot of snow arond Christmas which the kids (and Richard) enjoyed.