Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday walk/Söndags promenad

We went for a walk up Box Hill today. We were meant to follow the Adventure Trail but missed the signs and got a bit lost and ended up in real troll woods covered with moss. Luckily we found out way out eventually!
Vi åkte till Box Hill för att gå ett Adventure Trail. Vi lyckades snabbt missa skyltarna och gick fel och hamnade i en riktig troll skog täckt med mossa. Som tur är hittade vi tillbaka tillslut!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The new Tracy Enim?

Ellie created this art installation tonight. She also decided to put cellotape over her mouth (it didn't stay there for long though as she's got way too much to say). Could she be her generations crazy artist in the making?
Ellie gjorde den här konst instellationen ikväll. Hon tejpade också för sin mun (det varade inte många sekunder, hon har alldeles för mycket att säga). Kan hon vara sin generations galna konstnär?

Happy birthday Granny!

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Söndagspromenad/Sunday walk

Vi tog en promenad upp på Reigate Hill idag. Det var helt fantastiskt väder!
We took a walk up Reigate Hill today and the weather was amazing!