Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Antligen har jag ett vaxthus!! Det ar inte sa stort men det racker gott och val till mina sma tomatplantor och andra sma plantor som behover vaxa till sig innan de planbteras ut.
Finally! i'm the proud owner of a greenhouse! Not very big but big enough for my little tomato plants and other small things that need to grow a bit before they get planted out.

First BBQ/Firsta grillningen

Pask helgen gav oss fantastiskt vader med runt tjugo grader varje dag. Sista dagen av langhelgen kom Will and Marion och premiar grillade.
The Easter weekend had amazing weather and on the last day of the long weekend Will and Marion came around for the first BBQ of the year.

Kolla in det har blogginlagget fran forsta BBQ:n forra aret nar altanen var ny och kaprifolen inte fanns.

Check out this blogentry from the first BBQ last year. The decking was brand new then and the honeysuckle didn't exist.

Buds and flowers/Knoppar och blommor

Allium knopp! Jag planterade dessa lokarna i hostas.
Allium bud! I planted these bulbs last autumn.Sota sma blommor i krukan med lagerblad som jag fick av Christine forra aret. Kommer inte ihag vad de heter.
Sweet little flowers in the pot with bayleaf that I got from Christine last year. Can't rememer what they are called though.

Clematis knopp!

Clematis bud!

Forgatmigej som jag har transplanterat fran Chris och Mikes tradgard. Denna sorten forgatmigej ser annorlunda ut an dem som jag ar van vid fran Sverige.

Forgetmenots that comes from Chris' and Mike's garden i Alderholt. They seem to have settled in happily.

New flowerbed/Ny rabatt

Sa har sag det ut pa ena sidan av tradgarden for nagra veckor sedan.
This is what it looked like on one side of the garden a few weeks ago. Efter en helg av gravande ser det nu ut sa har! Har ska planteras i massor!
This is the result after a weekend of digging. I've got hostas and grasses and some other things that I plan to put in here. (Although I don't expect the hostas to survive more than about a week if the slugs are as mad as previous years)